
  • All classes are paid for on a monthly basis and must be paid in full on the 1st of each month or late charges will be incurred.
  • Payment will be calculated based on a student’s usual level of attendance. Any additional classes undertaken during the month – such as an ad-hoc private class and intensive courses – must be paid for ahead of the class. If invoices remain unpaid, students will not be permitted to attend class until payment has been settled.
  • One off £30 registration fee is required on enrolment.
  • Competitions incur additional fees and will be covered by a separate agreement.
  • As much notice as possible should be given if a student is unable to attend class.
  • Missed classes are non- refundable, limited make-up classes can be arranged with teacher’s permission only.
  • At least one month’s notice must be given in the event of a student leaving the school.
  • All invoices must be settled before the date of the student’s final class.
  • Fees are payable monthly with a school year 11 month billing cycle from September to July. The actual number of monthly payments you make in your first billing cycle will depend on which month you join L'Ecole de Ballet Classique.


  • Students are admitted to L’Ecole de Ballet Classique based on their suitability, potential and talent following assessment in a trial class, the Directors’ decision being final.
  • All places are offered solely on merit and no applicant is discriminated against based on race, colour, nationality, gender or ethnicity in line with our Equality Policy.
  • Class placement is made based on age and an evaluation of the student’s ability.
  • All parents/guardians must complete an enrolment form for students so that the school has correct contact details for each student before their first class. Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that their contact information remains up to date with the school. Personal information will be stored in line with our Data Protection Policy and will not be released without the express consent of its owner.


  • Students are expected to attend all classes signed up for as consistent attendance is the best way to improve. Students should not miss class without a reasonable excuse such as illness, injury, family emergency or on religious grounds. Injured students are permitted to observe class.
  • Progression between classes is at the discretion of the Directors.
  • The School’s timetable is available on our website and any variance will be communicated in a timely fashion.
  • It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that students attend the relevant classes.
  • Students should arrive around 10 minutes before class and late entry to class will not be permitted.

  • Students should be brought to and collected from class by their nominated parent/guardian. Any variance to this should be communicated to the teacher ahead of class, particularly where students are making their own way to and from classes.
  • Parents are not permitted in the studio to watch classes except for trial classes or during specified open class which take place each term. This allows the students to develop their independence and build their own relationship with their teacher and peers. Parents who are unable to make the nominated class may be able to arrange to view class on a different day with permission of the Directors.
  • Pre-vocational Students may be permitted to attend Associate schemes, one-off master classes or intensive courses with other schools after seeking permission of the Directors but must not attend either group or private lessons elsewhere on a regular basis. Students who attend such courses without permission, may be asked to leave the school.

Behaviour in class

  • Students are expected to behave with respect and courtesy both in class and whilst on the school premises. No disruptive behaviour in class will be tolerated and may result in students being asked to leave class.
  • When representing the school off-site , such as at competitions or performances, students are expected to behave in a manner befitting the school. Students who are unable to adhere to this may be excluded from such activities.
  • The school operates a strict anti-bullying policy which students and parents are expected to adhere to.
  • Hands-on corrections will take place in class in order to help students develop an increased awareness in their ballet technique. Contact will never involve inappropriate force and is made with the awareness of the needs of the individual students.
  • Students are expected to take care of their own possessions: any lost property will be retained for 30 days and thereafter donated to a charitable institution.


  • Photography of any kind, at any time, by students or parents, during lessons (including open classes) and performances either of themselves, their classmates or their teacher is not permitted for safeguarding reasons.
  • No photographs, or recordings of classes or performances should be posted on any social media site without the consent of L’Ecole de Ballet Classique for safeguarding reasons. Photography and video recordings are strictly prohibited during performances.
  • From time to time the school may need to photograph/film the students in class or performance, only those students whose parent/guardian has given consent will be photographed/filmed. These images and videos will be used for publicity on the school’s official social media channels only. Such posts may be reposted to personal accounts with appropriate credit to the school.
  • Parents should familiarise themselves with the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR) and may not post images or videos they have taken featuring other students without permission from both the school and the parents of featured students for safeguarding and data protection reasons.

Social Media

  • Pre-vocational students with their own social media accounts may post images or videos from performances with permission but must tag the school in any such posts.
  • Students with a predominant ballet feature to their account should also indicate that they train at the school in their profile.
  • Students and parents may not publicise any intensive courses, master classes or private coaching provided outside of the school without the express permission of the directors
  • Students must be aware of the broad principles of data protection and not publish any images or videos featuring fellow students who have not given their permission to do so.


  • Communication from the school to parents and students will be made by e-mail.
  • Any concerns or queries should be raised in writing and sent by email info.ldbcfulham@gmail.com.
  • All financial enquiries should be emailed to info.ldbcfulham@gmail.com.
  • The school aims to respond to queries within 72 hours.